The New Eon
Timothy G. Benson explores the newly discovered phenomenon of Universal Eons of Consciousness and their expression through humankind. Distinct stages of spiritual evolution, revealed through a cutting-edge research technique called “muscle testing”, determine the context of all life in the universe. In light of humankind’s collective Self-Realization, Benson describes various means of dissolving the remnants of the ego – the illusory aggregate of the homo sapien mind. Through staggering findings, never before revealed in history, this book delivers a simple message – the dawn of a New Eon for humankind has emerged.
about the author
Timothy G. Benson is a musician, bagpipe maker, and author. Benson explores the unfolding of human consciousness and its apex as spiritual Self-Realization. Through compelling research and data analysis, Benson recontextualizes the meaning of our universe, the history of homo sapien, and the future of civilization
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